7:34 AM

ADAM, IBLIS dan TUHAN (Dongeng Alam Semesta)

Kita harus bertanya kenapa Iblis tidak mau sujud kepada adam? apakah selama ini ada yang pernah bisa jawab? saya akan mencoba bercerita dan menjawab yang mudah-mudahan masuk kepada logika kita semua. Sebelumnya saya mengatakan cerita ini bisa bentrok dengan apa yang selama ini tersebar di dunia ini, ya anggap saja saya sedang mendongeng disini yang kemungkinan besar memang hanyalah dongeng yang mungkin harus kita renungi..

Konon Generasi Adam diciptakan beberapa kali, ada beberapa orang yang mempercayai bahwa Adam kita adalah generasi terakhir dari kesekian ribu adam yang telah diciptakan. Selama ini kita tahu bahwa manusia diciptakan mempunyai free will yang tentunya didalamnya terdapat sifat baik dan buruk. Setelah sekian kalinya adam diciptakan dan dihancurkan dan diciptakan lagi, manusia selalu melakukan kesalahan dan merusak alam semesta ini. Iblis adalah panglima tertinggi yang diutus Tuhan untuk memerintah para malaikat untuk mengurus para manusia, baik untuk mencatat tingkah laku kita ataupun untuk mencabut nyawa manusia. Iblis sangat patuh dan sangat sujud kepada Tuhan, tetapi setelah kesekian ribu adam diciptakan, manusia selalu saling menghancurkan dan selalu merusak alam ini, Iblispun kesal karena iblis makhluk yang mempunyai free will juga. para Malaikat hanya terdiam menunggu perintah Tuhannnya dan panglima terbesarnya.

Akhirnya setelah hancurnya manusia yang diakibatkan oleh manusianya itu sendiri, dan sibuknya Iblis dan para malaikat untuk mencabut nyawa. Tuhan menciptakan kembali apa yang disebut adam itu kembali yang konon yang paling sempurna. Iblispun kesal "ya Tuhan kenapa Kau menciptakan makhluk yang jelas-jelas akan merusak?" karena sang Iblis ini sudah tahu bahwa manusia itu makhluk yang serakah, suka merusak dan mempunyai sifat-sifat yang merugikan makhluk lain dan alam semsta ini. Kenapa Iblis bisa berkata seperti itu? karena sebelum adam generasi kita ada Adam-adam lainnya yang dia urus. Tuhanpun berkata " gw yang maha tau lu diem ajalah" nah si Iblis ini ngak terima, makanya dia buat perjanjian. "jika manusia sampai akhir jaman berbuat kebaikan dan tidak melakukan kerusakan maka aku akan sujud kepda-MU 1000kali lipat dari sujud aku sekarang, tetapi apabila manusia melakukan kerusakan juga maka aku akan tetap sujud kepadamu seperti aku sujud kepadamu saat ini". Bisa disimpulkan bahwa Iblis sebenernya tidak sejahat apa yang kita bayangkan sekarang. Toh disaat pendapat dia benarpun dia tetap bersujud kepada Tuhannya. Konon iblis hidup sampai waktu yang ditentukan tuhannya, berarti iblis sebenarnya bisa mati, kalo Tuhan mengatakan iblis mati hari ini ya dia mati hari ini.
Diciptaanlah adam generasi kita sekarang, yang konon generasi terakhir dari scenario yang Tuhan buat, dan dia diciptakan memang bukan untuk menghuni surga, tetapi untuk mengisi alam semsta yang luas ini menggantikan manusia Adam sebelumnya yang sudah dihancurkan. Scenario didalam surga setelah diciptaan hawa menarik juga untuk kita bahas. Apa itu setan? setan adalah sifat jelek manusia dan jin, bukan makhluk yang selama ini banyak orang percayai. Disaat hawa digoda oleh setan,maksudnya adalah free willnya dia sndiri yang menggoda dia, apa yang disebut buah khuldi disini adalah hawa menggoda adam untuk melakukan persetubuhan. . dan merekapun bersetubuh. Dikarenakan scenarionya memang untuk disebar di alam semsta Tuhanpun menurunkan Adam ke Bumi. Nah disini kita harus bertanya lagi, Bumi yang mana? apakah bumi yang kita huni sekarang ini? menurut saya Adam bukan diturunkan di bumi kita huni sekarang ini, tetapi di bumi yang jauh di luar angkasa sana.
Adam diturunkan di Bumi yang lain dengan kemampuan pengetahuan bumi dan langit, kemampuan super genius yang mampu melakukan apapun. Adam dan hawa pun akhirnya mempunyai anak dan membuat koloni manusia yang makin hari makin berkembang dan bertambah. Dikarenakan manusia mempunyai free will dan sifat setan yang dimilikinya akhirnya peperanganpun terjadi. Manusia baik dan buruk berperang dan dengan pengetahuan yang sangat tinggi mereka menciptakan tekhnologi2 yang super canggih yang kita sendiri sekarang ini belum mampu membayangkannya. Pada akhirnya bumi yang meraka hunipun hangus tak layak huni,hancur lebur akibat kesombongan dan keserakahan manusia saat itu. Pesawat-pesawat canggihpun berhamburan keluar angkasa untuk membuat koloni-koloni baru di planet-planet lain yang mirip bumi dan bisa dihuni. Akhirnya manusiapun menyebar ke alam semsta ini. (ingat pada saat itu manusia mempunyai pengetahuan langit dan bumi, apapun bisa dan apapun mungkin tuk dilakukan).
Manusiapun berkoloni di planet-planet baru. Setelah ribuan bahkan mungkin jutaan tahun, manusia di planet-planet baru mengalami perubahan bentuk dan kemampuan. manusia mempunyai kelebihan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan mereka berada, dan merekapun berubah. Manusia di gravitasinya tinggi mereka makin pendek, di gravitasi rendah mereka makin tinggi dan besar. di kondisi planet yang suhunya tinggi mereka mempunyai kulit yang tebal dan kasar. di planet-planet lainnya yang masih menyerupai bumi asalnya mereka tidak berubah bentuk apapun hanya bertambahnya kebijaksanaan karena pelajaran dari nenek moyang mereka yang saling menhancurkan muncullah sifat-sifat yang tenang dan damai. di planet lainnya generasi dari manusia jahat merekapun tetaplah jahat dan serakah. setelah sekian miliar tahun sebagian manusiapun akhirnya bergabung dan membentuk federasi-federasi antar galaksi untuk menjaga keamanan planet-planet yang mereka huni sekarang, federasi-federasi damai dan ada juga perkumpulan manusia jahat yang kurang beruntung menempati planet yang kurang baik tuk dihuni yang menjadikan bentuk mereka seperti Reptilian, grey, Zneznela dll, yang dikarenakan suatu kondisi planet yang menjadikan manusia berevolusi, mengalami perubahan genetika yang membuat manusia itupun berubah bentuk. Suatu hari ditemukanlah bumi kita ini yang sangat baik untuk pertumbuhan manusia, oleh federasi damai dibuatlah koloni damai se alam semesta yaitu EARTH yang tidak boleh siapapun untuk menggangunya karena dibuat untuk kelangsungan umat manusia supaya tidak punah.
Dari beberapa ras manusia yang berada di planet lain, masing-masing menurunkan ras mereka yang sudah di rekayasa genetika, dengan kemampuan otak yang sudah tidak pintar lagi. Pengetahuan yang terbatas yang bertujuan untuk supaya manusia tidak menciptakan tekhnologi yang sangat dahsyat yang bisa menghancurkan bumi ini. Diturunkanlah manusia yang kita sebut sekarang orang cina,eropa,arya, sunda dll yang kemungkinan ras-ras lainnya ada yang sudah punah sebelumnya. Okelah manusia terbatas kemampuan otaknya tetapi ada hal-hal yang tidak bisa dirubah yaitu sifat setan manusia itu sendiri karena manusia tetap mempunyai free will. Setelah ribuan tahun, bangsa planet yang menyemai kita di bumi ini kaget, ternyata manusia rekayasa ini bisa berkembang kemampuan otaknya, banyak manusia-manusia yang berbeda dan mempunyai kelebihan-kelebihan . Ternyata blokir-blokir sebagian sel otak manusia akhirnya bisa terbuka karena manusia mempunyai kemampuan regenari sel sendiri. tetapi sebagian besar manusia masih menjadi manusia bodoh yang tetap tidak berkembang. Para manusia planet yang kita sebut alienpun hilir mudik untuk menjaga bumi ini dari mulainya terbuka blokir-blokir pengetahuan, manusia planet menjadi ketakutan karena manusia bumi ini sebagian kecil menjadi manusia yang lebih kuat dibandingkan mereka. Dikarenakan manusia tetap mempunyai sifat setan yang tidk bisa dihilangkan maka diturunkanlah ajaran-ajaran kebaikan melalui utusan-utusan untuk supaya manusia bisa menjadi manusia yang baik dan berkembang dengan positif. Disini kita bertanya lagi, Apa Tuhan ngak ikut campur? atau manusia alienkah yang mengutus para utusan di bumi ini. Para utusan adalah manusia-manusia yang diawasi oleh manusia planet, dibimbing dengan ajaran-ajaran kebijaksanaan yang mereka dapat dari Tuhan. karena konon para manusia planet ini percaya akan adanya Tuhan dan mereka mengakui walaupun bisa mencipta benda, merekayasa manusia,tetapi mereka tidak bisa membuat roh. sampai sini dulu ceritanya ya, sudah ngantuk nih hehehe.... mudah-mudahan membuat semakin pusing para pemerhati UFO ini. selamat merenung.

1:29 PM

Street light interference

Street light interference, or SLI, is an alleged anomalous phenomenon where a person seems to turn off (or sometimes on) street lights, or outside building security lights, when passing near them.

Although street lights sometimes turn on and off by chance (especially at the end of their life cycle), believers in street light interference tend to claim that it happens to them personally on a regular basis, more frequently than chance would explain. Some propose paranormal explanations for SLI, sometimes based on scientific terminology, such as the explanation that electrical impulses in their brain interfere with the workings of electric lights. Anecdotes about people's experiences of SLI have been reported by news sources.[1][2]

SLI has never been demonstrated to occur in a scientific experiment, and those who claim to cause it have been found to be unable to reproduce the effect on demand; they give the explanation that the effect is not within their mental and physical control.[3] Many times they do report, however, that it occurs with specific lamps and not just randomly shutting off street lights or electrical lamps in general

Hilary Evans and The SLI Effect

Hilary Evans, an English author who writes about paranormal subjects, coined the word "SLIder" to refer to someone who causes this effect, in his book The SLI Effect. [6] In this book on page 15 he explains that a wide variety of street lamp types show the effect,
“ the effect is spontaneous and is apparently meaningless; it serves no practical purpose, nor does it seem

to provide satisfaction for the individual or in any other way serve some kind of psychological purpose.

In the preface of the book Evans says,
“ SLI is an apparent phenomenon, based on claims by many people that they involuntarily, and usually spontaneously, cause street lamps to go out. Generally the effect is intermittent, infrequent and without an immediately discernible sequence of cause and effect. SLI deserves study because it gives the appearance of being an anomalous phenomenon in its own right. That is to say, it appears to be an effect which is not consistent with our current knowledge of how people interact with the physical world, and which occurs in specific circumstances. ”

On page 16 he explains what seems most likely to be happening,
“ Most commentators, confronted with the Street Light Interference phenomenon, look - and rightly - for a straightforward physical explanation. For example, when Robert McMorris of the Omaha World-Herald devoted two or three issues of his regular column to SLI reports in January 1990, he quoted Allen Klostermeyer, manufacturer's representative for Lighting Specialists Inc., who pointed out that when a sodium (amber) bulb nears the end of its useful life, it may go into an off-and-on sequence:

When one of them starts to "die", it requires more voltage. This will cause the lamp to go off temporarily;
when it cools down, it will come on again for a while. Eventually it will die completely.

This, it was suggested, is sufficient to explain the SLI effect; what happens is that the witness just happens to be passing such a lamp during its death-throes, and is led by the synchronicity to imagine that he is somehow responsible. But as the testimony shows, even if we allow the coincidence in place and time, this effect could account for only a small fraction of the reported cases. For one thing, other types of lamp are involved besides sodium lamps. Then again, only a small number of reports describe anything like a street light going off, then on, then off again. And what about when a witness extinguishes a whole batch of street lights: are we to conclude that the whole batch was purchased together, and so shared the same life-span, and such was the perfection of their manufacture, that they all reached their death-point simultaneously? Yet even if we allow that, there is still the fact that some SLIders extinguish a row of street lights in sequence, each one going out as the witnesses nears it: it is asking too much to suppose that a series of lamps would have been arranged in order of their life-span.

[edit] Skepticism of SLI

The skeptical explanation to claims of SLI is to consider it an example of observer bias: people are much more likely to notice when a street light near them turns on or off than they are to notice a street light in a steady state. This is compounded by a failure mode of street lights, known as "cycling", in which street lights turn off and on more frequently at the end of their life cycle.[7] A top high pressure sodium engineer at General Electric, quoted by Cecil Adams, summarizes that SLI is "a combination of coincidence and wishful thinking".[7]

9:10 PM

SLIders & the Streetlight Phenomenon

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A reader writes:

Around five years ago, I have noticed that at times while I am driving down the road at night a street light will go out as I am passing below it. It happens frequently and seems to be happening more.

It has been giving me the creeps. If it happened only once or on very rare occasions, I don't think I would have given it a thought. However, it happens about once or twice a week. Could it be some electronic thing or could it be something less explainable?

The phenomenon is known as street lamp interference, or SLI, and it possibly is a psychic event that is just beginning to be recognized and studied. Like most phenomena of this type, the evidence is almost exclusively anecdotal. I have received several stories like the one above from readers.

Typically, a person who has this effect on streetlights - also known as a SLIder - finds that the light switches on or off when he or she walks or drives beneath it. Obviously, this could happen occasionally by chance with a faulty streetlight (you've probably noticed that it's happened to you once in a while), but SLIders claim that it happens to them on a regular basis. It doesn't happen every time with every streetlight, but it occurs often enough to make these people suspect that something unusual is going on.

Very often, SLIders also report that they tend to have an odd effect on other electronic devices. In letters I've received, these people claim such effects as:

* Appliances such as lamps and TVs go on and off without being touched.
* Lightbulbs constantly blow when the SLIder tries to turn them off or on.
* Volume levels change on TVs, radios, and CD players.
* Watches stop working.
* Children's electronic toys start by themselves when the SLIder is present.
* Credit cards and other magnetically encoded cards are damaged or erased when in their possession.


Any attempt to pinpoint a cause for SLI at this point would be mere speculation without a thorough scientific investigation. The problem with such investigations, as with many forms of psychic phenomena, is that they are very difficult to reproduce in a laboratory. They seem to happen spontaneously without the deliberate intention of the SLIder. In fact, the SLIder, according to some informal tests, are usually unable to create the effect on demand.

A reasonable speculation for the effect, if it is a real one, might have something to do with the electronic impulses of the brain. All of our thoughts and movements are the result of electrical impulses that the brain generates. At present it is known that these measurable impulses only have an effect within an individual's body, but is it possible that they could have an effect outside the body - a kind of remote control?

Research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab suggested that the subconscious can indeed affect electronic devices. Subjects are able to influence the random generations of a computer far more than would occur merely by chance. This research - and research being conducted at other laboratories around the world - are beginning to reveal, in scientific terms, the reality of such psychic phenomena as ESP, telekinesis and soon, perhaps, SLI. (Note: the PEAR lab did not specifically research SLI, and the research facility has since been closed.)

Although the SLI effect is not a conscious one, some SLIders report that when it does occur, they often are in an extreme emotional state. A state of anger or stress is often cited as the "cause." SLIder Debbie Wolf, a British barmaid, told CNN, "When it happens is when I'm stressed about something. Not really manically stressed, just when I'm really mulching something over, really chewing something over in my head, and then it happens."

Could it all be just coincidence, however? David Barlow, a graduate student of physics and astrophysics, suspects that the phenomenon might be attributed to people seeing patterns in "random noise." "It is unlikely that a light will turn itself on when you walk past it," he says, "so it is a shock when it happens. If this should happen a few times consecutively, then it appears some mechanism is at work."


A research project into SLI was conducted by Dr. Richard Wiseman at the University of Hertfordshire in England. In 2000, Wiseman made the newspapers with a project to test ESP with a kiosk-type machine - called The Mind Machine - that he set up in various locations around England to collect a large amount of data about the possible psychic abilities of the general public.

Hillary Evans, an author and paranormal investigator with The Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP), also studied the phenomenon. (You can download the original SLI Effect book in PDF format by Hilary Evans completely free from their website.) She established the Street Lamp Interference Data Exchange as a place where SLIders can report their experiences and share those of other SLIders. [The existence of this exchange cannot be verified at this time.] "It's quite obvious from the letters I get," Evans told CNN, "that these people are perfectly healthy, normal people. It's just that they have some kind of ability... just a gift they've got. It may not be a gift they would like to have."