8:38 AM

250 unique facts

1. BCE in English is the BC (Before Christ). After CE is A.D (Anno Domini)
2. Shark tooth loss more than 6000buah every year, and grow new teeth within 24 hours
3. Julius Caesar was killed with 23 stab
4. Nissan's name comes from the Japanese Ni: 2 and San: 3. Nissan: 23
5. Giraffes and rats can survive longer without water than a camel
6. Stomach lining produce mucus every two weeks so the stomach does not digest the organ itself.
7. 98% of the rapes and murders committed by a close relative or friend of the victim.
8. Ants can lift 50 times his body weight
9. American Declaration of Independence was written on paper marijuana
10. Point above the letter i is called 'title'
11. Grain raisin dropped into a glass of fresh champagne will move up and down in a glass
12. Benjamin Franklin youngest child of a parent to the youngest offspring in the family's youngest 5.
13. Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of 13. Paraskevidekatriaphobia is ketekukan on Friday the 13th (can happen between 1-3 times a year). in Italy, number 17 is unlucky. Japan's unlucky number is 4
14. Giraffe's tongue is about 50 cm long
15. The mouth produces 1 liter of saliva every day
16. We breathe approximately 23,000 times each day
17. Word ZIP (postal code) is an extension of the 'Zoning Improvement Plan'.
18. Coca-Cola contained Coca (who is an active ingredient in cocaine) from 1885 until 1903.
19. On average we speak 5000 words per day (although 80% of them we talked to myself)
20. If the quota of water in our bodies decreases 1%, we immediately feel thirsty
21. 4 symbols on playing cards the king symbolizes the 4 kings etrkenal in each era: Shovels = David / King David, Clubs = Alexander the Great / Alexander the Great; Hearts = Charlemagne / King of France; Wajik = Julius Caesar
22. Our lifetime drinking water for about 75,000 liters
23. Every person, including identical twins, fingerprints and texture of tongue is not the same.
24. Red dot on the 7-Up logo comes from the red-eyed inventor. He was an albino.
25. Man loses 40 strands of hair every day. 70 pieces of women.
26. Sign 'save' in Microsoft Office programs shows a floppy disk image with the shutter reversed
27. Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin both married their first cousins (Elsa Lwenthal and Emma Wedgewood).
28. Camels have eyelids 3.
29. A strand of hair on our heads grows a period of 2 to 6 years before it is replaced with new hair
30. Someone is going to realize for 8 seconds after the cut
31. Muscle that works the fastest of our body is the eye muscle dikelopak make us blink. we can blink in a second 5kali
32. Chocolate can kill dogs, because directly affect the heart and nerve structure
33. Without mixed saliva in the mouth, we would not feel the taste of food
34. Fingernails 4kali grow faster than toenails
35. 13% of people in the world is left-handed
36. Almost all the lipstick contains fish scales
37. Newborns severe head 1 / 4 of your weight
38. We actually see with the brain. eyes just a camera that sends data to the brain. 1 / 4 part of the brain used to regulate the eye
39. Scorpions can be killed by water it with vinegar, they will be angry and sting itself
40. Year 1830an regular tomato sauce sold as a drug.
41. Three wise monkeys have names: Mizaru (See no evil), Mikazaru (Hear no evil), and Mazaru (Speak no evil).
42. India has the right legislation to beef
43. If you sneeze too hard to crack ribs. If trying to stop a sneeze, may have burst an artery in head and neck trus dead. if forced his eyes open while sneezing, eye ball can jump out.
44. Philippines country name derived from the name of King Phillip
45. Berasala of Saudi Arabia King Saud name
46. Children have 20 teeth early. Adults have 32
47. Because of the scarcity of metal, Oscars handed out trophies at the World War II were made of wood
48. Each cycle is 11 years old, the sun's magnetic poles trade places. This cycle is called "Solarmax".
49. There are 318,979,564,000 possible combinations of the first opening in chess.
50. There are more than 300 tartar-forming bacteria
51. Tiger is the largest member of the family cat
52. Number "172" can be found on paper currency the U.S. dollar 5, the image under the bushes Lincoln Memorial.
53. Coconut trees killed 150 people every year. More than sharks
54. On the poster the movie 'Pretty Woman' Julia Robets too short to be aligned with Richard Gere. Then used the model as a body Shelley Michelle Julia.
55. Polar regions lose the sun for 186 days a year
56. International Telephone code for Antarctica is 672.
57. The first allied bombs dropped on Berlin in World War II. Killing is the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.
58. The average rain fall at the speed of 7 miles per hour
59. It took 10 years for the Leonardo da Vinci to paint Mona Lisa.Lukisan was not marked and the date. Leonardo and Mona got a great bone structure exactly the same and according to X-rays, there are 3 versions of the painting under the painting.
60. The name of the twins Castor and gemini is Pullox
61. Bruce Lee movement so quickly that they must slow down filam so we can see all the movements.
62. One pound of body weight containing 7000 calories we
63. Blood as thick with sea water
64. Sea water in the Atlantic saltier than the Pacific ocean
65. Mask of Michael Myers in the horror film 'Helloween' figure masks sebenernya Captain Kirk (Star Trek) that the white paint, because of lack of funds
66. Original name butterfly (butterfly) was flutterby.
67. The baby is born every 7 seconds
68. One in 14 American women blonde original. Men only one of 17
69. The Olympic was the sister of the Titanic, and served safely for 25 years.
70. When the Titanic sank, 2228 people in it. Only 706 survivors
71. In America, a person diagnosed with AIDS every 10 minutes. In Africa, someone dies from AIDS tipa 10 minutes
72. Until the age of 6 months, babies can swallow and breathe simultaneously. Adults can not
73. The reason why most diiklan at 10:10 o'clock pointed needles, because the clock like he was smiling
74. Each year the month of 3.82 cm away from the earth
75. When we stay alive and there is no food, leather belts and shoes, Keds are the best food to eat because it contains enough nutrients to live temporarily.
76. In one drop of water contains 50 million bacteria
77. With the increase pelan2 feet and lie quietly with your back straight, we will not sink in quicksand.
78. One in 10 people living on an island
79. Discard celery eating more calories than the calories contained in the celery itself
80. Lobsters can live for 100 years
81. Chewing gum is not sold in Disney Land
82. Mangunyah gum while peeling onions prevents us cry
83. Cat's jaw can not move left and right
84. The name Arctic (north pole) means bear in Greek (Arktos), and indeed there is a polar bear at the north pole
85. If you think standing in the bottom of the well, we can see the stars during the day though
86. The voice that we hear from the shell rather than sound waves, but the sound of blood flow in our heads.
87. Most people who suffer from fear of open spaces (kenophobia) than ketakukan in closed spaces (claustrophobia).
88. The best mixing techniques rather than with the twist, but with the movement of the letter W
89. Scene band continued playing music while the Titanic sank is a true story
90. Book Guinness Book of Records holds the record for the most books stolen from library
91. 35% of those who participated mate contacts via the Internet, was married
92. CocaCola first green
93. Physically, the pig can not look to the sky
94. All polar bears are left-handed
95. Bats always turn left when flying out of the cave
96. Jim Henson first used the word "Muppet". The combination of "marionette" and "puppet."
97. Elephant is the only animal that can not jump
98. The Michelin man (figure dressed in white cap and diiklan Michelin) named Mr. Bib. bibendum real name on the first ads in 1896.
99. We can not lick your own elbow
100. The word "lethologica" describes the moment in which we can not remember what we want.
101. Approximately 14% of addicts who use syringes, HIV-positive.
102. The sentence can be read the same from the front and back (racecar, kayak, finished) called "Palindrome".
103. Snail can sleep for 3 years
104. Above the equator crossing about 200 foreign satellites, including spy satellites
105. People in China who speak more English than people in the United
106. Because the influence of the earth's rotation, if we throw towards the west, we will throw further towards the fall of the eastern
107. One in 9000 people suffer from an albino
108. Electric chair invented by a dentist
109. We repeat the year with 9 million people from around the world
110. Every human in the average life up to dilampu red waited for 2 weeks
111. Aqua bottle and new places to eat plastic can break down completely in the soil after 50,000 years
112. Cats can make more than 100 vocal sounds, dogs only about 10
113. Beaver teeth never stop growing
114. Bats are the only mammals that can fly
115. If a human Barbie doll, its size is 39-23-33 (99-58,5-84 cm). Approximately 215 cm tall and had a neck longer than 2kali normal human
116. Beranakpinak mice very quickly and within 18 months, two rats could have over 1 million descendants.
117. Wearing headphones for 1 hour can mengembangbiakan bacteria in the ear 700 times faster.
118. A baboon named 'Jackie' became the official soldiers of the South African armed forces in World War I
119. Bibliophile is the name for a collector of rare books. Bibliopole are sellers of rare books
120. Blue whales heart beats 9 times in a minute
121. Arabic numerals are not derived from the Arabic, but were created in India.
122. The butterfly look with the eyes of 12,000
123. Month of February 1865 is the only month in recorded history that did not get to experience the full moon.
124. Chickens that have been severed his neck was still able to run along the soccer field before you actually die.
125. Cockroach can live 9 days without a head, and will die of starvation
126. On Earth, one year is 365 days. On the planet Mercury is one year 2 days
127. Age of the dragonfly is 24 hours
128. At the age of 3 months the human fetus begins to form a fingerprint.
129. It took 6 months for toenails to grow out from under the bottom until the end of the nail.
130. Fish memory only 3 seconds
131. The full moon 9 times brighter than the moon tebih half.
132. Memorial statue for every person on a horse, if the 2 lifting the horse's forelegs, then the person died in battle, if one hoof is raised, then that person died from wounds in battle, if 4 feet hit the ground, the person normally dies.
133. Adult bears can run as fast as a horse
134. Horse bones more than 18 pieces of human bones
135. Jellyfish consists of 95% water
136. Zebra skin is black and white stripes
137. Unless humans and monkeys, all color blind mammals
138. Apple seeds contain cyanide
139. Rats and horses can not vomit
140. Penguin is a bird that can not fly but can swim.
141. Forbidden to eat beans astronauts before exploring space because if you pass gas in a special outfit can endanger astronauts them.
142. Winston Churchill was born in the ladies' room during a dance
143. Before jets, jet lag is called Boatlag
144. Cats sweat through the soles of his feet (especially when he heard a dog barking)
145. Cats can not taste sweet
146. Meleled chocolate in the mouth because its melting point is 35 degrees Celsius
147. In past wars, people who are blind in the team colors needed in military camouflage detection
148. The cow has no upper teeth
149. Hedenophobic means fear of pleasure.
150. Ancient Egyptian priests plucked every hair and fur from their bodies.
151. Crocodiles can not stick his tongue.
152. Fart cow including the main causes of global warming
153. Ants always fall on your right side if given insecticide
154. House cats hate the smell of lemon and all that smells of citrus
155. Donald Duck was banned in Finland because Donald does not wear pants
156. Real name is Donald Duck Donald Duck Flauntleroy
157. Taste there are butterflies dikakinya
158. Dry Ice does not melt, but yawn
159. Lebig ostrich eyes of his brain
160. Starfish have no brains
161. Each man has a different ear
162. Fresh eggs sink diair, which expired eggs float
163. 80% of all animals in the world are insects
164. Peanut is one of the ingredients to make dynamite
165. Queen Elizabeth I suffer Anthophobia (fear of roses)
166. RSVP is Respondez s'il vous plait, which means 'please answer'
167. A healthy human eye (not color blind) can menbedakan 500 species gray.
168. Pregnant goldfish is called a 'twit'.
169. Europe is a continent without a desert
170. Flies jump backwards when going to fly
171. Sekeor cat has 32 muscles in each ear
172. A Bee can fly at fifteen miles per hour.
173. Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
174. A "Jiffy" is the scientific name for 1/100th of a second.
175. Only 3 angel, Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer who is called in the gospel
176. Goats got a rectangular pupils
177. The first novel that uses a typewriter is Tom Sawyer
178. Hamsters love to eat crickets
179. Lighter invented before the match
180. The average in each of chocolate candy bars are melted with insects.
181. Rhino horns are made of hardened hair
182. The shortest war in history was the war of Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.
183. Head lice actually prefer to live in the scalp clean of the dirty
184. Polar bears skin is black. Translucent colored feathers, and appear white in the snow.
185. Elvis had a twin brother named Garon, who died at birth, the Elvi's middle name is Aron, in honor of his brother.
186. Hedgehogs have similar fingerprints humans.
187. Hippopotamus mouth farts.
188. Shakespeare found the word "assassination" and "Bump."
189. Beings who can only blush human
190. If we keep a goldfish in a dark room, the color will turn white.
191. Women blink twice as many of the men.
192. The name Jeep (Jeep) diampil the abbreviation "GP", a military language for General Purpose.
193. People who use the right hand, like, 9 years longer than people aged lefty
194. If all the gold mined in the sea, every human being on earth could get 20 kg of gold masing2.
195. If the human liver stops working, people will die in 24 hours 8 samapai
196. A "quidnunc" is the name for people who always wanted to know the latest gossip.
197. If the sun suddenly went out, it takes 8 minutes for people to realize it.
198. Leonardo Da Vinci who invented the scissors, the helicopter, and many other tools.
199. In the year 4000, no new pet species.
200. 25% of human bones in the foot.
201. David Sarnoff was the person who receives the signal meyelamatkan Titanic and hundreds of lives. He eventually became head of the radio network, the National Broadcasting Company (NBC).
202. Approximately 100 people each year choking on ballpoint.
203. If we are locked in the room is airtight, we first aka CO2 poisoning death of the Kekerangan a2
204. If we lose one eye, we will lose 1 / 5 of our pengelihatan and lost all depth perception of objects.
205. Standing for long without bending at all lutuk will make you faint
206. Our garlic rubbed on the heel of the foot would sink can be detected in our breath.
207. With his hands stretched out as far as possible, the distance from the tip of the hand is equal to our height.
208. Vacation for eleven days means we have nearly a million seconds of time to enjoy it
209. In the movie Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter character never blinks.
210. In Japan, a coffee shop called 'Kissaten'.
211. Ostrich egg takes 40 minutes.
212. Jaguar afraid of dogs
213. Elephants only sleep 2 hours a day
214. Johnny Deep afraid of clowns
215. Ganymede is a moon of Jupiter, is the largest moon in our solar system, larger than the planet Mercury.
216. In golf, a 'Bo Derek' is a term for the value of 10.
217. Koala has two thumbs
218. Latte in Italian is the milk
219. Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwlll ... is the name of a village in North Wales, UK.
220. In Italy, Micky Mouse is known as 'topolino'
221. Milk is more like food than a drink.
222. There are more than 450 types of milk in the world. 240 come from France.
223. Mosquitoes prefer children than adults.
224. Dust particles inside the house most of them from dead skin cells
225. Rat-moving average of 40 times in his sleep
226. In English, 'Naked' means without protection. 'Nude' means naked
227. Broccoli and cauliflower are vegetables in the form of flowers.
228. Newborn child has 350 bones. They merge or disappear to be 206 at age 5 years.
229. There is no definite proof of who built the Taj Mahal.
230. In a survey of 200,000 ostriches over 80 years, no one is burying its head in the ground.
231. Nail Armstrong first stepped on the moon with the left foot.
232. For badminton shuttlecock must have 14 feathers.
233. Pearls dissolve in vinegar.
234. Pigs can not sweat because they have no sweat glands. They were covered in mud to cool the skin.
235. Venus and Uranus is the planet in our solar system that rotates against the clock. So the sun rises from the west on the planet.
236. Microwave was found after a scientist who walks through the tube of radar found disakunya melted chocolate candies.
237. Shark immune to cancer
238. Deer Santa named: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen
239. Some types of tape worms will eat themselves if hungry.
240. We can take the stairs took a cow, but could not took them down the stairs.
241. Plaque left on the moon Apollo 11 reads "Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon July 1969, AD / WE CAME IN PEACE FOR ALL Mankind."
242. Hawaiian hornbook consisted of only 12 letters
243. The most popular names in the world is Muhammad.
244. We eyeball weighs about 28 grams
245. The left lung is smaller than the right lung because it provides a place on the heart.
246. Penguins only exist in the south pole, and could not cross the equator.
247. Most people can hear better with the right ear
248. Vitamins in fruits are usually found on the skin
249. The average car horn sounded at the tone F
250. Men are better able to read text with font sizes smaller than women .* vivagamers.com


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